BFG is a leader in providing management the critical assistance necessary to develop an effective internal control structure that is fully compliant with section 404 of Sarbanes-Oxley, and in establishing a comprehensive internal control monitoring plan. Public companies, large and small alike, are now required by law to establish and maintain effective internal accounting control systems. Management is also required report on the effectiveness of those control systems. Noncompliance can be extremely costly, not only in terms of financial penalties, but in terms of business reputation. BFG reduces management’s compliance burden by designing, implementing, documenting, and testing internal control systems that are fully compliant with section 404 of Sarbanes-Oxley. Using BFG to monitor compliance also reduces your external audit fees, as external auditors reduce their testwork by relying on our work.
Even if you are a smaller reporting company exempted from external auditor attestation of your internal controls, management still needs to evaluate and report its conclusions on the effectiveness of those controls - BFG helps management monitor and report on internal controls even when the auditors are not required to do so.
BFG has provided Sarbanes-Oxley compliant internal control documentation for many public companies in the US, as well as in Canada. BFG professionals have over 25 years experience dealing with internal accounting controls, and have participated in the Congressional internal control steering committees that developed the COSO Integrated Framework to Internal Controls used by most companies. BFG professionals are on the teaching faculty of the American Institute of CPA’s and have instructed hundreds of business professionals on the compliance requirements of Sarbanes-Oxley.
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Providing Quality Service Since 2000